Mazal tov to Nehemia and Ruth Yoel on the birth of a great-grandchild.
Mazal tov to Faigie and Carl Posy on the birth of their new granddaughter, born to Nava and Ari Shafner.
Mazal tov to Claude and Beatrice Choukroun on the engagement of their son Dan to Rebecca Ben Hamu.
Mazal tov to Ron and Rhoda Dermer on the bar mitzvah last shabbat in Jerusalem of their oldest son, Mayor Jay.
Please see the announcement of the upcoming new class (in English) on "Rambam's Guide for the Perplexed", to be taught by Rabbi Rabbi Eugene Korn, Ph.D.
Gabbai: Michael Gillis
Torah reading: Yedidya Toberman
Dvar Torah: Zehava Zer Kavod
Class between mincha and ma'ariv: Rabbi Shlomo Vilk