Our chatanim from Simchat Torah invite you to kiddush on Shabbat Parashat Noah: Dr. Moshe and Mimi Dickman, Dr. Morry and Charlotte Blumenfeld, Steven Toberman
This just in… mazal tov to Zehava and Daniel Taub on the engagement of their son Aron.
Mazal tov to Rabbi Yisrael and Naomi Lifshitz on the recent bar-mitzvah of their grandson Eitan, son of Shira and NoamHaCohen from Otniel.
Mazel tov to Chaya and Avraham Scheuer on the recent bar mitzvah of their grandson Yehuda Aryeh Ranells of Ramat Bet Shemesh.
There will be a new class every weekday morning at 7:00am, taught in English by Irv Cantor: "Tal Hermon on the Torah" (see Classes page).
Gabbai: Sasson Chacoty
Torah reading: Yaakov Schorr
Class between mincha and ma'ariv: Prof. Azaria Rein: "Characterizing Noah"