אחרון אחרון חביב:
אתיקה ב -"משנה תורה" לרמב"ם
סדרה שבועית של שיעורים שיִנתנו ע"י פרופ' יצחק דב קורן
החל ביום שני 2.3.2020 בשעות 19:30-20:45
חכמים הבחינו שרמב"ם מייחס חשיבות רבה להלכות האחרונות שבכל אחד מארבעה עשר הספרים של משנה תורה. מעברים אלו מצביעים על ההשקפה הכוללת של רמב"ם בשאלות אתיות. נלמד את המעברים הללו בעברית ובאנגלית ונדון בהשלכות של חכמת רמב"ם על חיי היהודים בימינו.
נא להירשם בדוא"ל של יצחק קורן ב- ebkorn@gmail.com.
New Lecture Series by Eugene Korn
Monday Evenings, March 2 – June 27, 2020, 7:30 – 8:45 PM
Acharon Acharon Chaviv:
Ethics in Rambam’s Mishneh Torah
Scholars have noticed that Maimonides places great importance on the last halakhot of each of the 14 books in his great legal code, Mishneh Torah. These passages stress ethics and Maimonides’ universal outlook. We will study these texts in Hebrew and English, and discuss what applications Maimonides’ wisdom has for Jewish life today.
- The Life of Maimonides and the Mishneh Torah; Book of Knowledge: Knowing & Loving
- Book of Love: Abraham, Moses, and Berit Milah
- Book of Seasons: Hanukah and Purim
- Book of Women: Marriage and Universal Peace
- Book of Holiness: Commandments as Instruments
- Book of Vows & Renunciations: Responsibility and Kiddush ha-Shem
- Book of Agriculture: Kedushah and Human Beings
- Book of Temple Service: The Divinity of the Commandments
- Book of Offerings: The Morality of the Commandments
- Book of Ritual Purity: Intellectual and Moral Purity
- Book of Damages: Who Is a Jew?
- Book of Acquisition: Slavery and Humanity
- Book of Civil Laws: The God of Aristotle & the God of Abraham
- Book of Judges: The Messianic Era
Please register directly with Eugene Korn at ebkorn@gmail.com.
EUGENE KORN has semichah from Pirchei Shoshanim and holds a PhD. in moral philosophy from Columbia University (New York City). He has taught general and Jewish philosophy at Columbia, Yeshiva and Seton Hall Universities. He was founding editor of The Edah Journal and has published more than 40 scholarly essays on Jewish thought, Jewish ethics and halakhah and Jewish-Christian relations. His writings have been translated into Hebrew, Spanish, German and Italian. He and his wife, Lila Magnus Korn, joined Bet Knesset Emek Refa’im in 2014.
See flyer.