Mazal tov to Deena and Jonathan Porath on the birth of twins (a boy and a girl) to Yael Bat-Zion and Chaim Hen, and to the other grandparents, Avraham and Miriam Gratzkes.
Mazal Tov to Tamara and Simcha Edell on the birth of a grandson to Tamara, son to Neriya & Ayelet Gottstein of Kochav HaShachar.
On Shabbat Mevorchim Shevat (Parshat Va’era), members who have turned 80 during Corona years will be honored with a kiddush.
As we seem to be entering another wave of Covid 19, we ask that anyone with symptoms (cough, fever etc.) consider not attending Beit Knesset, even if the individual has not yet tested positive.
Corona – Open Doors Policy: COVID-19 is still with us. There will be days when we feel the cold, yet doors must remain open.
Rav Vilk: daf yomi at 6:30am and shiur after mincha.
See our Times page. Candlelighting: 4:15pm, Havdalah: 5:30pm.