Our chatanim and kallah this year — Prof. Yisrael Aumann, Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz, and Rebeca Benson Zerobnick — invite the congregation to a kiddush Shabbat morning.
Mazal tov to Azaria and Arielle Rein on the bat-mitzvah of their granddaughter, Zion Hemdat Pfeffer, daughter of Sophie and Anshel Pfeffer.
Mazal tov to Ruthie Rackovsky on the bar-mitzvah of her great-grandson Shemayah, son of David and Tehila Kitov grandson of Yoel and Shoshana Rackovsky.
Mazal tov to Martin and Ruth Dunitz on the birth of their grandson, Yitchak Yehoshua, born to Katya and David Becker.
Mazal tov to Meir and Bracha Edelstein on the marriage this week of their son Asher to Chen Cohen.
Mazal tov to Stephen and Fabia Shaw on the upcoming nuptials next week of their daughter Rachel to Simon.
Both families — the Edelsteins and Shaws — invite the entire kehillah to a joyous kiddush this Shabbat.
Mazal tov to Avraham and Chaya Scheuer on the recent marriage of their granddaughter Yocheved, daughter of Devorah Ranells, to Daniel Bashari.
Mazal tov to Rabbi Shmuel and Barbara Goldin on the birth on Hoshana Rabbah of a new grandson.
Our sincere thanks to all the gabbaim for their hard work and to all the ba'alei tefillah for their inspiring and tuneful tefilot on the Yamim Nora'im, Sukkot and Simchat Torah — and to the seating committee. Thank you, too, to all who helped with set-up — and with the kiddushim.
Saturday night we move to winter time.
See the thank you letter from the Jerusalem Municipality regarding the tzedakah that our congregation contributed for Rosh HaShanah.
Gabbai: Monty Penkover
Torah reading: Jerry Milch
Dvar Torah Shabbat morning : Meir Edelstein
Afternoon class between mincha and ma'ariv: Rabbi Shlomo Vilk on "Jewish education".
Mazal tov to Meir and Bracha Edelstein on the marriage next week of their son Asher to Chen Cohen.
Mazal tov to Adiella and Aaron Taub on the birth of their daughter — also to grandparents Zehava and Daniel Taub, great-grandfather Henry Goldblum, and grandparents Jack and Judith Djemal.
Mazal tov to Neil and Rachel Cohen on the birth of their grandson, born to Shani Cohen and Ram Elias.
Mazal tov to our chatanim this year: Chatan Torah: Prof. Yisrael Aumann, Chatan Bereishit: Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz, Kallat Torah: Rebeca Benson Zerobnick, Kol HaNe’arim: Steven Drucker. Our thanks to the committee members that arranges the ba'alei tefillah for the Yamim Nora'im and also selects the various honorees: Simcha Edell, Marsha Roth Isaacs, and David Olivestone, with the participation of Bill Wilson and Yossie Goldman.
מזל טוב לישׂראל ורבקה זרובניק לרגל הולדת הנכד, בן לשיראל ואסף שמואל, ונין ליונה ושרה בנסון. שיזכו להכניסו לבריתו של אברהם אבינו בעיתו ובזמנו.
מזל טוב למיכל ומאיר פכלר לרגל נישואי בנם בעז אלישע עב"ל זואי עופר. המשפחה מזמינה את הקהילה וחברים לקידושא רבה של שבת שבע ברכות מיד לאחר התפילה לחגוג עם החתן והכלה.
מזל טוב לשושי והרב שלמה וילק ולקלֶר ומישל רבל לרגל חתונתה הקרובה של נֹעה עם אליאוֹר עוֹמר.
מזל טוב לפנינה וירון שור לרגל הולדת הנכד, נטע, בן ליערה ואלון ברזילאי.
נא לשים לב שמפת המושבים ליום כיפור שונה מזו של ראש השנה, הסתכלו במפה שעל דלת בית הכנסת.
Mazal Tov to Rebeca and Steve Zerobnick on the birth of a grandson, son of Shirel and Assaf Samuel, great grandson to Sarah and Yonah Benson.
Mazal Tov to Michal and Meir Fachler on the occasion of the marriage of their son Boaz Elisha to Zoë Ofer. The family invite the community and friends to a Shabbat Sheva Brachot Kiddush after Musaph to celebrate with the bride and groom.
Mazal Tov to Shoshi and Rabbi Shlomo Vilk, and to Claire and Michel Revel on the upcoming marriage of Noa to Elior Omer.
Mazal Tov to Penina and Yaron Schur on the birth of a grandson, Neta, son of Yaara and Alon Barzilai.
The seating arrangement for Yom Kippur will be different from the one for Rosh-Hashanah, please check the map on the door.
Reminder: find out about this year's Shabbaton (now with pictures).
The Prayer Times page has been completely updated for the holidays and the coming year. It also contains (at the top) a downloadable and printable version of the calendar.
Gabbai: Monty Penkower
Torah reading: Marty Weisberg
Dvar Torah: the Fachler family
Shabbat Shuvah lecture between mincha and ma'ariv: Rabbi Shlomo Vilk on "We have no king, except you".
Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat (early minyan): 5:00pm
Candle-lighting: 5:45pm
Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat (regular): 6:10pm
Mincha: 5:45pm
Arvit: 6:56pm
On Sunday and Monday mornings, selihoth at 5:30am and 7:00am